Monday, October 13, 2014

Long time coming. Big time payoff.

Well, this week was full of exciting turns! First we got to watch Meet the Mormons, which was great! A very cool missionary tool that should help to break down tons of barriers about the church. Ignorance and prejudice abound regarding the Mormons as a whole, our investigator C was fed a whole bunch of lies recently and was quite confused. She was told we could say the “F word" but were not allowed to drink caffeine… oh well.  I liked it a lot. My favorite was the Candy Bomber! His story about living a good, service filled life really struck me.  Who was your favorite? I think it's funny that the ties are what you noticed... I noticed the very last image before the credits is a Mormon missionary-that is subliminal and intentional. I actually did recognize Darius Grey in the movie,  I did not realize his voice was just like James Earl Jones’. Seriously. 

This is what our mission president sent us about the movie: 
Box Office Surprise: It was wonderful to see each of you last week at our screening of Meet the Mormons. I hope you enjoyed our pre-opening screening of this moving film. The box office results for this past weekend showed Meet the Mormons had the eleventh highest ($2.7 million) ticket sales of any movie in the country.  This ranking came despite the fact it was playing in only 317 theaters (the top ten movies were playing in an average of almost 2,800 theaters).  On a per theater sales basis, Meet the Mormons had the second highest ($8,500) of any movie!  Hopefully, in the coming weeks many more will see it and be touched by its’ message.

The cool thing was this weekend we had  President’s interviews as well as Stake Conference. All of this took place in Littitz, about 30 miles away, and so it would make little to no sense for us to drive down for interviews, back, then down for Saturday night session, then back, then down for Sunday morning. So we blitzed Lancaster that day! And can you believe it? M was getting baptized! I will not relate the story of why this took so long to happen, but basically it involved conflicting schedules and being out of town and lots of things and should have happened a month ago, easy. So that was great. She was really surprised and shouted "Hermanito!" when she saw me, meaning "Little brother!" which is what she always called me in lessons. I got to give a talk on baptism, which was very nice. Then I had my interview with President J, then back for... another baptism! This was A. He’s 9, and he is so awesome! So this was such a great thing. 

Then we got to spend the rest of the day in Lancaster before heading to Stake Conference. It was honestly a big miracle. I didn't realize that I would be able to be present for either one of these events. Long time coming. Big time payoff. The church is true.
Love Elder Wright

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