Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Okay. This also makes sense to me and I believe it also.

Here's some exciting things that happened this week:

What started with a bus conversation with a random dude turned into an awesome new investigator. His name is S and he moved from India two weeks ago, he's way cool and very open. He invited us over, we taught a lesson about the Godhead, and after every point we said he would say "Ok. This also makes sense to me and I believe it also," in his cool Indian accent, all sharp and precise. He came to church yesterday and was way enthusiastic, he enjoyed it a lot. Yeah!

Also the coolest family in the ward ever is the C fam. They are relatively recent converts; they were baptized about 5 years ago after missionaries knocked on their door. They were baptized 4 weeks later. They love the Church, are dedicated, and are so excited to study and work and be awesome member missionaries. So a few months ago we went to the 8th birthday party of their oldest son. While there I met S, a good friend and classmate of Sister C. A few weeks ago, Sister C texts us to say, "So I was talking to S about the church again, and she says that she would really like to meet with you guys just to learn more." So we set up a lesson at the church. It was awesome. We gave her a church tour, ended in the chapel, taught her there, and the Spirit was so strong. She was very willing to read and pray and wants to know if it's true. Sister C was so helpful, being easygoing and encouraging and bearing testimony. She's already shared so much with S that we were really just filling in the big picture. We invited her to be baptized and she accepted. She came to church this Sunday and really enjoyed it, she read 3 Nephi 11 and felt the Spirit very strongly throughout as well. It was so cool. Brother C referred us to a lady he works with at physical therapy named M, she is very nice and we have begun teaching her as well, she has also accepted the invitation to be baptized if she learns this is true. This family is such an example to me, they are great members and you can see how clearly the gospel has shaped them in their lives. 

Things are going well here! The area is really moving these days. Lots of lessons, lots of progress. It's really good for training. I'm making Elder G lead out a lot this week, his completely solo day will be this Thursday when I'm on exchange in Elizabethtown. 

What has really made things click here has been members. For example, we had dinner with this great member family and an investigator. After the dinner (Hawaiian Haystacks) we taught a lesson about the temple. The members bore testimony about how the temple was a blessing to them, why it was such a good goal to have, the Spirit they felt there. After, the members invited her to come to the Washington DC temple visitor’s center with them next time they went, and she accepted! It was a spiritual powerhouse! That more than anything was really cool to see. 

So many cool experiences this week! The Gospel is true! Being a missionary is awesome! I love it! 
And I love you too!
Elder Wright

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